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Farm Hand for Weller Farms
We are always looking for great workers to join our team! This application is for those interested in being a full time, part time or occasional farm hand.
Age Requirement: 21yr+

Do you posses a CDL?
If no, do you have the ability to obtain a CDL if required?
Are you a US Citizen?
If no, do you possess a valid work visa?
Have you ever been convicted of a felony?


What is you highest form of Education?

Cattle Experience

Are you able to point out the signs of a cow as she nears delivery time?
Have you ever pulled a calf?
Have you ever tagged and vaccinated newborn calves while out on pasture?
Have you ever castrated bull calves?
Have you ever overseen the health of a cattle herd?

Farming Experience

Equipment Experience

Have you operated a feed wagon for feedlot chores?
Have you operated a hay grinding machine?
Have you operated 15ft or larger brush cutters?
Are you able to run a round bailer?
Are you able to do grade work in a skid steer?
Are you able to do grade work in a D6 size bulldozer?

Mechanical Skills

Do you have the ability to peform equipment maintenance and repair? Check all that apply
Do you know how to weld?

General Labor Skill

Can you life 100lbs from ground to shoulder height?
Can you work out in the sun for an entire day?
Can you dig a hole head deep?
Can you hang a gate?
Can you mend fence to include high tensile, barbed, and woven?
Can you construct a proper H brace?
Can you mow, trim, and blow lawns?

Work History

Upload File

Thank you! We’ll be in touch.

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